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Our Data Protection Privacy Policy


This policy is setting out how the DSSFH will use or process personal data about individuals including current, past and prospective pupils, their parents, carers or guardians, and the teachers and volunteers of the DSSFH.

Responsibilities for data protection

In accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998, the DSSFH has notified the Information Commissioner’s Office of its processing activities. The DSSFH’s ICO registration number is ZA35882.

At the time of writing this policy Mrs Gabi Schlitt-Ebel, who is the Director of the DSSFH, will also fulfil the role of Data Protection Officer and ensure that all personal data is processed in compliance with this policy. The role of the DPO may be transferred to other suitable individuals within the DSSFH, and notice will be given of such a change.

The DSSFH (data controller) and its settings (data processors) process personal information for the following purposes:-

  • provide education of children and adults relating to German language, culture and history

  • maintain its accounts and records

  • to support and manage its staff and volunteers.

Types of personal data processed

The DSSFH may process a wide range of personal data about the individuals specified including by way of example:

  • Family details

  • Home language/s

  • Digital images of the child’s school attendance and academic progress

  • Financial details

  • Education and employment details

  • Goods or services provided

The DSSFH and its settings, where required for the safe and appropriate running of the school, also process sensitive classes of information that may include:

  • Physical or mental health details

  • Religious of other beliefs

The DSSFH and its settings process personal information about:

  • Staff and volunteers

  • Past, current and prospective pupils and their parents/guardians

  • Suppliers

The DSSFH and its settings sometimes need to share certain personal information they are processing with the individual themselves and also with other organisations, where it is necessary to achieve its educational aims.

To ensure compliance with all aspects of the Data Protection Act the DSSFH and its settings will put in place appropriate safeguards.

Sharing and using personal information

Information will only be shared and used on the basis of the parents/pupils consent given when signing up for lessons and events at the DSSFH.

The DSSFH and its settings may publish photos/videos of pupils online and in print media, always without mentioning any names. To opt out of this at any time, parents/pupils/staff can send a note to

On the basis of legitimate interest

The DSSFH and its settings will send out information about classes, events and similar activities relating to the DSSFH. In addition information will be used to send invoices.

We may need to share some of the personal information we are processing with the types of organisations and individuals listed below:

  • Family, associates and representatives of the person whose personal data it is processing

  • Healthcare, social and welfare advisers or practitioners

  • Business associates

  • Financial organisations and professional advisers

  • Credit reference agencies, debt collection and tracing agencies

  • Education, educators and examining bodies, schools

  • Current, past or prospective employers

  • Employment and recruitment agencies

  • Local and central government

  • Persons making an enquiry or complaint

  • Suppliers and service providers

Storing personal data

The DSSFH and its settings store personal data in the following locations:-

  • Staff’s encrypted devices (computers, tablets, mobile phones)

  • The DSSFH lockable cupboard

  • The Director’s and Data Protection Officer’s offices at home (encrypted device/s and /or lockable cupboard/s)

The management, staff, volunteers, pupils and parents at the DSSFH will not use or pass on any personal data in any way not in compliance with this policy, the Data Protection Act 1998, or the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).

Check, Edit, Delete

Personal data is reviewed continually, and be more formally reviewed and updated  each term by the DSSFH and its staff (Director, DPO, teachers) so that personal data will not be kept longer than is required for the purpose of the daily running of the DSSFH.

Parents/pupils/staff can check, edit and delete data we hold about them anytime, as appropriate. Some data will have to be kept for a time period beyond the pupil’s attendance at the school, but all personal data will eventually be deleted and destroyed after 6 years.

Parents may contact us if they have any enquiries about their personal data held by the school.

Leaving the DSSFH

Pupils and their parents leaving the DSSFH can opt in or out with regards to receiving further email communication from us about upcoming events, classes and the like.

Any ‘opt-in’ will have to be renewed each year. Without opting in pupils will not be contacted any more.

All personal data will be deleted by the Data Protection Officer once not needed any more for accounting and insurance purposes maximum of 6 years.

The school reserves the right to keep information of incidents relating to the health of pupils, such as accidents or acute illness at the school, where data will be kept in accordance with Data Protection Regulations until the pupil reaches the age of 21 years.

Asking for a copy of the information we hold about you

If you would like to request a free copy of the information the DSSFH is holding, please contact us as per the contact details below.


If you feel that the DSSFH has not kept its promises to you about the way we handle your personal information, please contact us at the details below.

We will investigate your concerns and report back to you within 20 working days.

We reserve the right to keep records of such complaints beyond the period of 6 years, as appropriate.


Gabi Schlitt-Ebel


Mobile: 07983 463 863

Data Protection Privacy Policy

Start date:    18 May 2018

Review date:  18 May 2021

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